Simple illustration of the OSI model and cyber attacks at each layer.


Cyber Attacks Unveiled: A Simple Guide Through OSI Model Layers

The OSI model is like a roadmap for computer networks, split into seven layers. But where there’s connectivity, there’s also vulnerability. Let’s explore how bad actors can disrupt each layer.

1. Physical Layer: This is the hardware level. Attacks involve physically tampering with devices or unauthorized entry into network spaces.

2. Data Link Layer: Here, devices communicate using MAC addresses. An attack called ARP spoofing tricks devices into sending data to the wrong places, allowing eavesdropping.

3. Network Layer: Handles logical addressing and routing. IP spoofing occurs when attackers forge their IP addresses, leading to unauthorized access or data interception.

4. Transport Layer: Ensures smooth communication. DDoS attacks flood networks, causing disruptions. TCP/IP hijacking exploits handshake vulnerabilities for unauthorized access.

5. Session Layer: Manages connections between applications. Session hijacking lets attackers take over existing sessions, gaining unauthorized access.

6. Presentation Layer: Translates data. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks inject harmful scripts into web pages, compromising user data.

7. Application Layer: The user-network interface. Phishing tricks users into revealing info, while malware exploits software vulnerabilities.

Conclusion: Knowing how cyber attacks target each OSI layer is vital. Staying vigilant and implementing security measures at each level is crucial for safeguarding digital communication integrity and confidentiality.

